What We Do

Bold Tendencies

As brokers, we act as an intermediary between our clients and the insurance market.

Our role is to advise our clients on the range of covers that are available, how best to manage risks (both insured and uninsured), to negotiate the most competitive premium and help to ensure that any claims are settled fairly and quickly.

Our Approach To Claims

The proof of any insurance is its response to a claim, and we only arrange insurances that can be relied upon to pay.

We work with underwriters who understand the nature of what they are insuring, the particular risks, and how to make good in the event of a loss.

For our part, we oversee all claims from start to finish, using our considerable experience and contacts to achieve the best possible claim settlements.

We are proud of our ability to settle the most complex claims for fine art, especially those involving damage, restoration and subsequent loss of value.

We are equally well equipped to help in the aftermath of a fire or flood, from arranging appropriate disaster recovery, to negotiating the right form of settlement, including loss of income for businesses.

The majority of claims are, however, straightforward, and we aim to settle quickly and cleanly. that can be relied upon to pay.
We work with underwriters who understand the nature of what they are insuring, the particular risks, and how to make good in the event of a loss.

Our Values

To be fair and honest in all our transactions with insurers, clients and employees. To identify and fulfil the needs of our customers.

To foster a family-friendly work environment in which continual insurance learning is encouraged and a high level of knowledge and engagement with the art world is promoted and rewarded.

To demonstrate a problem solving, creative and positive approach to business and a culture in which the whole team are able to share in the success of the Company.

To support the arts as patrons, sponsors and trustees.

Our Approach To Cyber Security

Our website is proudly certified with Cyber Essentials, a prestigious cybersecurity certification program endorsed by the UK government.

This certification ensures that we have implemented essential cybersecurity practices to safeguard your online experience and any data shared with us. From robust firewall protection and secure configuration to user access control and incident response readiness, we prioritise your digital security.
With our tested and verified high-standard of cybersecurity measures, you may rest assured that we are committed to maintaining a strong defence against online threats and protecting your data. Your trust and security are our top priorities.

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