
Hallett sponsors online art auction

By Caroline Webb on 6 November 2020

St Barbe re-stART auction: 9-15 November

We are delighted to support St Barbe Museum + Art Gallery with their first silent auction. Like all cultural institutions, they have been hit hard by the coronavirus pandemic.

On 9 November 2020, they are launching a seven-day online auction, re-stART, selling 38 works of art generously donated by artists of national standing. These include work by John Illsley, Chris Whittaker, Pete Gilbert, Will Rochfort and many more.

Bids can be placed from 9 -15 November via

Proceeds will go to support St Barbe’s Community and Schools programme – working with children, families, older people and minority groups to provide education, social engagement and just fun!

Here is a link for more information

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